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How to get maximum mileage and save money tips

The fuel and money saving is a big thoughts which come every car owner’s mind before buying a new or second hand car.  And this time the fuel prices going up every time. So car buying is not a big deal but fuel like petrol car own is becoming a big deal at this time and in future also. Here are some tips to get more mileage and save money:

  1. Engine tuning must be correct with respect to idle rpm and timing advance.
  2. Air filter and spark plugs should be cleaned regularly.
  3. Tyre pressure should be as prescribed in the Owner’s Manual.
  4. Fast acceleration and sudden braking must be avoided.
  5. Drive between 50 and 60 kmph in top gear for greater mileage.
  6. Accelerate your car gently. Unexpectedly acceleration leads to more fuel consumption.
  7. Do not rev the engine unnecessarily.
  8. Avoid unnecessary gear changes and braking. Look ahead and judge the speed of the traffic and timing of traffic lights. Try to decrease your speed by using the accelerator pedal and not brakes.

What is your opinion please give suggestions….

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