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A Special Bonus for all Ferrari employees

The all Ferrari employees would receive a special bonus, linked to the financial results of the three year period, 2010 to 2012announced Luca di Montezemolo at At Geneva Motor Show. Today, the day the pay slips are given out, every one of the three thousand or so men and women who work for the Prancing Horse found something extra when they opened their envelopes. Apart from their usual salary, there was an additional amount, equivalent to a month’s pay for each year of the triennium in question, in which they worked for the company.

Furthermore, next month will see a pay out of the balance of the competitiveness bonus relating to last year, established by the supplementary contract, of which the initial payments were already made in June and October.

Taking as an example the basic monthly pay of an employee in the first stages of his professional career (1500 Euro) the value of the special bonus is 4500 Euro, to which will be added over the coming months, the 4000 Euro competitiveness bonus.

“Our company ended 2012 with record results after a triennium of continuous growth,” wrote Montezemolo in a letter to the employees. “That is down to the extraordinary amount of work you have done. In the current extremely difficult economic climate, which has seen many companies in our sector and others, experiencing great difficulty, thanks to you, we are a really nice exception to that, a company producing ever more models and one which is recognised as a great brand everywhere. Let’s continue like this, thanks to all of you for what you have done so far and especially for what you will do.”

In the same letter, President Montezemolo set the ball rolling for another challenge: another bonus for the next three year period from 2013 to 2015.

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