Indian car market leader, Maruti Suzuki plans to start 8 to 10 more Institute of Driving and Research and nearly 110 Maruti Driving Schools across the country by the year 2010. Maruti Suzuki already has an established chain of driving schools across India comprising of two Institute of Driving and Research and 40 Maruti Driving Schools in India.
Maruti has trained 450,000 people in seven years and plans to train 500,000 more people in the next three years at its ITDRs. Within a year, one ITDR each will be opened in Bahadurgarh, Rohtak, Dehradun and Vadodara.
Speaking to the press, Mr. R K Parimoo, Maruti Suzuki General Manager said that there is an urgent need for creating awareness about road safety. As part of their Corporate Social Responsibility activities they plan to train another 5 lakh people in next three years.
Maruti dealers shall have to invest Rs. 30 lakh in the new models for Maruti Driving School. The profits would come when clients who would buy a Maruti car from the dealer. The fees could be as low as Rs 100 per day and as high as Rs 600-700 per day depending on the financial background of people, who enroll for the training and programs.
The complete system of setting up driving schools is based on franchisee models. It includes more than simply learning to change gears, hold the steering and get a license. It is a complete package that includes road manners, traffic rules, car maintenance and theory lessons.