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Tata Motors contemplating on air-run car now

Tata Motors seems to be bent on making 2008 as its year for dominating public consciousness and keep the Motown buzzing. Even before the hype about Tata Nano and the Land Rover-Jaguar deal has subsided, Tata Motors has announced that it is seriously contemplating the possibility of an air-powered car.

The decision made by Tata, if materializes, would come as a blast of fresh air for all those environmentalists who were paranoid of the pollution that Nano would bring in the wake of its coming on the roads.

The venture is in collaboration with MDI, a private French company and involves the use of compressed air to run car engine. “It is a very exciting concept, this way of running a car. We hope something will come out of it,” said Tata Motors’ MD, Mr. Ravi Kant.

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